gm ser, welcome to the garden 🪴and the last social media handle you’ll ever need.
I would suggest setting up LensReflect from @m1guelpf.lens
This way you don’t leave your existing audience in the dark via auto posting your lens post to the 🐦app.
Gm welcome to lens
If you want to learn more about lens or teach pople about it you can check out #LensAcademy by @molens.lens
If you are interested to look into a Lens project with cool lore check out @lenstopia.lens
For miusic @mixtape.lens
For Community i suggest visiting @Memester.lens or @gotenks.lens
And for educational content around Web3 @chriscomrie.lens
gm gm. really good to see you on here fam. was a big fan on twitter, but my account got banned.