Singer songwriters who collaborate with other writers, how do you get over your ego?

  • Seth Adeyi@sethadeyi·May 31

    I first of need to understand why I'm creating this, it isn't just all about me. It's the love for the art and how this has the possibility of changing and touching the listeners, as a matter of fact this makes your creativity more authentic.

    • Domino@dominosmusic·May 31

      I reaffirm that isn’t about me, it’s about the art, and i trust whoever i chose to collab with has the best intention and accept that god can speak through other people better than me in certain instances!

      • It c a n take time. I never had much of an ego to begin with. I’m pretty happy with me in many aspects. I’ve written countless songs with all sorts of people. From friends to strangers.

        Tips : don’t be bossy, even if you are lead. Collaboration has no place for leaders, only people. Occasionally, even in the best circumstances, we (people) get on each others nerves pretty badly. Learn to recognize when to take a break.
