The calibre of music production from artists on @lens blows my mind quite often.

Some thoughts…

There’s real potential for devs to build something onchain and help musicians reach larger audiences both on Lens and across different platforms. But I wonder if there isn’t enough incentive on the development side to make it happen?

Music aggregates like @oohlala and @spinamp are useful for promoting music to a broader audience. But imagine if they could use a universal, onchain solution that tracks performance (plays) and delivers micro-payments to the artist (similar to how a streaming platform works).

Music needs to travel - it can’t live in a siloed environment. Imagine if you could only listen to your favourite song on one music station, and none of the others played it?! Dropping exclusively on one platform is cooI, but we should be thinking about how onchain music can exist cross-platform, and how artists can benefit financially from it at the same time.

What do you think, music community?

This post from @stani prompted some great discussion on the topic.

Check the comments for some interesting takes, and plans to host a space next week to dig a little deeper.

#onchainmusic #lens #music