Today I didn’t Feel Like Doing Anything…

For the Stressed and Unmotivated Do you ever feel unmotivated? You wake up tired and low on energy. Against your better judgment, you want to miss your deadlines and...

  • @anaphant·Mar 09

    thank you for talking about one of the elephants in the room. Motivation and productivity are complex constructs, and we may think that we have to be motivated and feel productive all day every day.

    I started analyzing my "laziness" some months ago and realized it is not laziness but a set of factors, both biological and psychological, that can lead to make me feel lazy, demotivated, overwhelmed, and even kind of depressed some days, with no apparent reason, for a couple of days at least each month.

    The good news for me, I have detected this days are few and those feelings go away when I do some of the things you listed. I am taking special care of myself and my feelings those days. And the best tool that has helped me? Writing. Writing on those days makes me think about the causes of my feelings, make me appreciate how my body and mind are different every day, and look back to my successes and look forward to my goals. Most of the times it gets me excited about the project I had been dreading just some minutes before writing. It gives me perspective, and more clarity on what I need that day.

    Writing is my art and my therapy, and I am happy to know I am not alone! So thanks for sharing and for reading my long response. you inspired me to share as well 🌻
