Pinsta@pinsta·Jul 10

How we can improve Education using AI Any ideas???

  • Cesare@cesare·Jul 10

    Ah great topic. Not sure what angle you are looking for but can tell you area where AI would have been useful for me in my own school career.

    - Remove language barrier: just by being able to access content earlier without having to wait for translations when one is not fluent in that language.

    - Adapt content based on the reader. Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic learners have optimal experiences grasping concept in very different ways. AI could adapt the content, maybe on the fly, in a way that stimulate the reader the best. I do struggle, probably like many, with remembering lists of events, history, things that happened and in what order. But if I am able to associate something visual with it, suddenly I can remember 10 times as much compared to just reading a list of facts/events.
