Lens/Apps thoughts from my POV and a Few others.

This shall be the last “free game” put out.

  1. UI on many apps is lacking. It’s too backend heavy and not appeasing to onboarding an everyday web2 user. Design is necessary. (Orb and Tape show this is achievable)

  2. Community though thriving I don’t see many community managers if at all with the apps. Having community managers will assist not only the apps but lens it’s self. You need front people not the devs that can and will assist and continue pushing the community forward.

  3. Too many apps have an unclear purpose. As well as too many apps being similar with subtle changes I feel forces could be merged to allow for better performance and interface. If I can’t tell what you’re doing in 1-3 minutes max it’s too confusing

  4. Onboarding thought clear on lens.xyz seems to be lacking clarity on the apps them selves. I recent seen someone question how to get their lens handle after they already had gotten one on orb and how to locate it to go on other apps.

  5. There was a creator lead twitter space yesterday that also allow other to come and talk and ask questions. I feel this is a missed opportunity from the lens team and apps. To have creators be the “host” of a space weekly of some sort.

  6. There should be a cheaper way for post with media attached are creator owned contracts. This will allow for metadata updates and so on if ever needed. (Also allows for easier searching for users)

I had more but forget them currently.

These thoughts were left short for dialogue

  • hulia@brenna·Apr 16

    I’m still pulling for this UI update on Orb to organize our collect posts

    • E88688@e88688·Apr 13


      • Exoteric@exoteric·Apr 13

        I’m in complete agreement. I really love Orb, but it needs to grow up. In my opinion, Lens suffers because it has too many apps, none of which cover the full spectrum of the protocol. Lens is capable of so many features. Not one capable of completely supporting the protocol.

        • lawsn@lawsn·Apr 12

          Couldn’t agree more on point 1,4,6
