ladidai@ladidaix·Dec 26

the incredible thing about art, especially music and movies, is that you don’t have to have experienced the specific subject matter for it to deeply resonate

that’s the beauty of the human experience in words or on screen

when well conveyed, we’re moved

  • Origami@joinorigami·Dec 30

    So true @ladidaix.lens, though when someone asks me why I love a piece of art, I struggle to explain the reason.

    • Kafka@kafka·Dec 26

      Even more so than to music and movies, this applies to literature imo. It conveys thoughts and emotions in a way that is more nuanced and detailed than other mediums. It doesnt alleviate the reader of any mental work; they must imagine everything - feelings, sounds, colors, images - for themselves. Also, because literature allows the reader to interpret the story and visualize it in their own imagination, it can often create a deeper emotional connection than films or music, which are imo more limited in their ability to depict complex thoughts and emotions.
