Nobody asked, but here’s my 2 MATIC (with a 20% referral fee) on the evolution of online interactions:
There once was a time when the “like” (👍) was the be-all and end-all in terms of measuring content effectiveness.
In the early days of social media, "likes" played a significant role in determining a post's popularity and reach. This was particularly true on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where users could easily show their approval of a post by clicking the "like" button.
Likes were seen as thee measure of social validation. They also played a role in determining which content was promoted on a user's newsfeed or discover page, as posts with more likes were given priority 📈
However, in recent years, many social media platforms have started to de-emphasize likes as a measure of success. Some have even experimented with hiding like counts altogether in an effort to reduce the pressure on users to seek validation through likes and to promote more authentic engagement.
The goalposts of metrics are changing.
Vanity out. Value in.
Web2 platforms like Instagram and TikTok began treating content that had a high save to like ratio more favorably in terms of the algorithm 📱📊
And you know what’s better than a save (which is essentially a glorified bookmark)?
A collect. (Especially when it’s paid.)
This is the future of social media.
Even those on web2 social are catching on.
We’re no longer just interacting for the sake of interacting.
The possibility for more intentional responses encourages more intentional creation. And more intentional creation contributes to a value exchange that fosters a self-sustaining ecosystem ♻️
Here’s the desired hierarchy specific to #Lens:
#Collect - I need to own it
#Mirror - I need others to see it
#Comment - I need to share my opinion about it
#Like - This resonates
Do you see how little the L compares to the MCC in terms of existence?
Now, not every piece of content we make is necessarily created for the sake of attracting a lot of engagement or for making a lot of money. And to an extent, likes will always matter to one degree or another because they help indicate how much said content resonates with one's audience 👥
But it’s interesting to see the role value plays and what value means when both creators and collectors can engage on social media in ways that have not been possible previously.
I’m excited to continue to explore this relationship on @lensprotocol and I’m grateful for everyone who’s here now on the journey 🥹
What kind of value are you hoping to bring to and receive from Lens?
#socialmedia #web3social #LMCC @creators.lens #content #lensprotocol #nfts #monetization #tiktok #twitter #instagram #facebook #creators #collectors