
It鈥檚 sad because over winter I wanted to spend my time working on new art and trying new things but my art isn鈥檛 doing great and I鈥檓 not making money so over winter I鈥檓 probably going to have to get a third job which stresses me out 馃ぃ

This isn鈥檛 a sob story it just bums me out that after 5 years of busting my ass to make art a full time living it鈥檚 just not working out the way I want 馃檭

  • MazeMari@mazemari3d

    I think it鈥檚 extremely hard to make a living as an artist .. that said I believe you can do it! 馃挏 you鈥檙e moving in the right direction!

    • Haku@xohaku3d

      Im still getting the hang of it, its not easy to make a place for yourself, and Im literally looking for a job just to afford life itself. Stay strong, sweetheart, they say sometimes these bumps in the road come with great rewards馃枻

      • Don鈥檛 get discouraged my dear Zo! Please don鈥檛 get discouraged and give up on this dream of making a living doing art!

        We know how art and artists are treated nowadays, but I believe that times will change, and I genuinely think that people will start cherishing and supporting artists more!

        Keep creating, keep working on finding ways to make your art seen!!! The more people see it, the higher the chances of having it collected!

        I know it鈥檚 hard, I know it seems like nothing good may come out of it, but you must not lose your faith! Enjoy the process, find joy in creating art, do other things if necessary to support your dream, but don鈥檛 ever give up on it!

        I am here for you! I will always be here for you! Keep your head up my dear!鉂わ笍馃尮
