Astrace@astrace·Mar 25


One month ago, our CEO, Founder, and astrologer @marenaltman.lens published her prediction on the 20 year Pluto in Aquarius transit we entered this week. Pluto, the planet of transformation, death, rebirth, and energetic overhaul is entering Aquarius. As we also mentioned during our new year’s prediction, the next 3 months will be a taste of the next 20 years and will be focussed around social issues and technology. February 2024 is when this transit will really start to play out. 

Objective prediction for this 20 year transit: positives and negatives in social movements and technological impact

While on the positive side this looks like more equities amongst peoples and technological innovations are advanced, the negatives indicate less technological freedoms and surveillance state technocracies. 

Themes:  ♇ China’s power and totalitarianism ♇ Innovative and futuristic innovations of nations and popular cities  ♇ CBDCs as the norm ♇ Technology codified into rights more substantially. The Constitution and Bill of Rights were ratified during the last Pluto in Aquarius. Big Tech importance will lead to new legislation and rights for this era. ♇ AI revolution ♇ Identities get stranger (beyond nonbinary/ sexual orientations to technological) 

Maren shares specific predictions in her video last month: