馃尦 This is my /FAVr蓹t/ tree. I only see it when I go for a run (which sometimes is the only thing that motivates me to run) I have no idea what it is, and neither does the owner. But he suspects the red tendrils are flowers, and not air roots... But I'm not sure I agree. Anyway, it is so different from any tree I know, and so weird, which is why it is my /FAVr蓹t/

Can you identify this tree? 馃馃懇馃敩馃К馃尦

  • maonx@maonx2d

    Interesting. Who knows, maybe those red tendrils on that tree have a reason for existence. Maybe it's a source of healing. Maybe it cleans the air. Or something else.

    I spent my childhood in nature, but I don't remember seeing a tree like this.

    • Vinod@dmcsvn2d

      Seems like a mystery tree 馃榿
