I shilled a few budding musicians to onboard to @lens at the @p00ls meetup 😌. What’s the best way for them to mint music and connect with fans on @lens? 🎶

  • P00LS@p00ls·Apr 03

    Lens = a great place to connect with fans A P00LS Creator token = the best way to keep them engaged in the long-run with consistent rewards

    • Christina@christina·Apr 02

      @golan 🙏🏻

      • Was pretty interesting to hear one say he didn’t want to pay ($ 5) just to try Farcaster, but will mint a Lens profile for a couple cents on @polygon. But didn’t know about Lens until yours truly 😇.

        Lessons in there 🤔. And ofc we are so early 🐣
