Ali Demir@aauxp·Aug 27

Give some advice to get out of depression

Except the "take an antidepressant" one 😅

  • Hi. I'll assume this is a serious question. Such a topic is not to be joked with.

    This is not medical advice - consult an actual doctor. That aside, here are some tips to battle depression:

    1. Evaluate if your life is “in order”, relatively speaking. Maybe it’s so rekt and miserable it would be hard to function for anybody? If yes, this might not even be depression. Maybe your behavior and/or environment need to be fixed first? Check this bit:

    2. Get adrenaline. No need to risk your health - cold showers do wonders and are easy to access.

    3. Regular physical exercise. Long walks, running, weight lifting, etc. Jiu jitsu or other martial arts are great - they give structure, adrenaline and exercise in one. Also, check out @gabriel.lens ;)

    4. Get enough essential fatty acids (Omega 3 etc.). Eat fermented foods.

    5. Get enough vitamin D and enough sun exposure, if possible.

    6. Try limiting all stimulation and pleasures for some time (counterintuitive, right?). - maybe your dopamine system needs a reset. Go to nature.

    7. There are interesting studies that show psilocybin ( magic mushrooms) to be effective in depression treatment.

    Most of that and more are covered in depth by professor Andrew Huberman here: .

    Hopefully, it helps you and/or other people who read this. Take care.

    • Mihrican@mihrican·Aug 27

      take off your depression cardigan and wear it backwards 😅

      • Dark chocolate with 71% cocoa, red pepper and pomegranate

        • Bensu Kaya@bensu·Aug 27

          Dressing like a madman and going out may imply that you are now out of depression and acquiring other illnesses lol

          • I don’t know. 😔

            • Irem Er@iremer·Aug 27

              The most effective method is travel. wherever...
