Took time for me for decide which type of content I want to share here, but eventually I realized that I want to focus on sharing my content creation process. This idea changed my mind about my entire work process. 💡

I'm working with different types of content (youtube video, telegram channels, tiktok, blogs, etc) and my old workflow was based on spliting tasks between projects.

That's what my typical thought process looked like:

  • Ok, I have youtube channel about travels, I need to make one long video and shorts. Hm... I also need to post this short to tiktok. Need to announce it in twitter. Ah, I also can post it in reels... and promote it at playlist and another channel. 🤯

It doesn't look good, but it's not really bad. Problems come when you have a lot of projects and you just don't have a time for each of it. Let's imagine that you need to do the same for 10 projects. If you think about projects, it is almost impossible. I can keep in my mind 3-4 projects, but if we are talking about 10+ projects there will also be some favourites and the rest you will remember just accidentally, like, damn! I didn't post anything to my Facebook blog for two weeks, I need to do something urgently. Then your focus changes to Facebook blog and you forget about another project. 🫤

⭐️ Things really start to improve when you stop using roles, like today I'm a video maker for a YouTube channel about drones, in the afternoon I become a travel blogger, and later I do Instagram promotion. Switching between roles takes a lot of attention and energy. "When you start seeing yourself as a content creator, you no longer need to switch between different roles or projects. Everything you create becomes content that you can use in multiple places. For example, if you make a video, you can decide where to use it - you might post it on a YouTube channel about drones, announce it on Twitter, and share it on TikTok and Instagram Reels. The concept of distinct projects starts to disappear, and instead, you focus on creating content that you can use across all of your channels."

When I started to see my work as content creation, my workflow improved significantly. One more time. ⛔️ There are no longer projects that require you to focus on specific tasks. You don't need to close project's task. ✅ You produce content and spread it between your projects. Even if you do something specific that you can use only at one of your projects, view point "I don't close project's tasks, I produce content" changes everything.

I'm going to tell more about this Content Creation journey. Join if you're on the way. 🚶‍♂️

Post by @vidaloca.lens
  • Lumisticat@lumisticat·Apr 04

    Thanks for sharing this 🌿

    • Yeah, things get a bit easy when you figure out what kind of platform you want LENS to be.

      • This is a unique place.

        • @29900·Apr 04

          This is an interesting post about changing your work process and seeing yourself as a content creator, rather than focusing on individual projects. This is an important shift in mindset, as it allows you to create content that can be used across all of your channels, rather than focusing on specific tasks for each project. It's great that you are sharing your journey in content creation, and it will be interesting to see where this takes you.

          • oreum@ngoctuy9·Apr 04


            • glad to see you here!
