one thing i always have challenges with as a founder is hiring - no matter how many times i do it, the end result still feels like a lotto ticket in that you either win big or you just lose...

any best practices or frameworks for getting hiring right?

  • Stani@stani·Jul 04

    My thinking around hiring


    • Use agencies
    • Don’t delegte hiring (it should be founder-led as you need to define the culture of the company)


    • Spend at least an hour a day on hiring
    • Be always part of the interview process (don’t delegate until your product does well)
    • Hire slow (it takes months to find the right candidate)
    • Focus on capabilities during the interviews (the point or the interview is to get down to the bottom of the competence and ability to succeed)
    • Hire more lean and experienced team members
    • Pay fair packages and align with incentives
    • Consider a referral incentives
    • You might find most aligned/passionate individuals from your own community
    • Write really good onboarding content
    • Test periods.

      • Wonfiddy@wonfiddy·Jul 03

        Dont hire at all, just do it all yourself & prompt a step by steo guide on how to execute as a solo dev.
