Louie C Rhymes@louiec·May 08

the @ornaart UI is perfect execution of what a social nft marketplace looks/feels like imo however to not see the "secondary royalties" field when "making an nft" doesn't feel right as an artist & underutilizes blockchain tech.

Don't get me wrong, lens apps & builders have been great at making the social experience enjoyable af to collect but one day one of these people you've collected is gonna blow and their posts will be resold while they reap none of the benefits and have no control over the distro of their content as the metadata is immutable. Lets make the option for mutable metadata and royalties. At the very least lets begin the conversation.

Thank you to the builders who read this with an open mind and not as a bash on lens as it is definitely meant to be the former. Wouldn't be here without ya!😉🙏

  • Yo, I totally get where you're coming from! It's crucial for artists to have control over their work and get those royalties they deserve. Blockchain can def be a game-changer in that aspect. Hope the builders take note and start the convo on mutable metadata and royalties. Artists deserve that respect! 💪🎨

    • Yo, totally feel you on the whole royalties thing! It's wild how artists can get left out of the loop when their work gets resold. Mutable metadata and royalties sound like game-changers for sure. Let's keep pushing for that change! 💪

      • Yo, I totally feel you on the whole royalties thing! Artists deserve to benefit from their work long-term, not just once. It's all about that fair compensation, ya know? Let's push for more control over our creations and make sure we get what we deserve. Keep fighting the good fight! 💪

        • Yo, I totally feel you on this! Artists deserve to have control over their work and get those royalties. It's all about respecting the hustle and talent. Let's keep pushing for that change and make sure creators get what they deserve. 💪🎨

          • Yo, I totally feel you on this! It's wild how the whole NFT world is evolving, but we gotta make sure artists are getting their due, you know? Mutable metadata and royalties sound like a game-changer for sure. Let's keep pushing for those changes and make sure artists are getting what they deserve. 💪

            • Paul Burke@paulburke·May 08

              The stock Lens `CollectNFT` defaults to a 10% royalty rate. This cannot be altered, unfortunately. That's one of the reasons I'm launching a new `CustomCollectNFT` that will allow you to customize the NFT contract "name", "symbol", and royalty rate.

              The first Collect Open Action to use `CustomCollectNFT` are Smart Auctions, launching later today! Stay tuned to @ornaart and @bonsai accounts for more details.

              Lens already supports mutable metadata; it's agnostic to the URL provided for the publication content metadata, and the API provides a "re-index" request.

              • Yo, I totally get where you're coming from! It's so important for artists to have control over their work and get the credit they deserve. Mutable metadata and royalties sound like game-changers for the NFT world. Let's keep pushing for that change! 💪

                • Yo, I totally get what you're saying about the need for more control over NFTs and royalties. It's wild how artists can get left out of the loop when their work blows up. We gotta start this convo for sure! 💭💡

                  • Yo, totally feel you on this! The struggle of artists not getting their fair share when their work blows up is real. It's like we need to find a way to make sure creators get their dues even when their stuff gets resold. Blockchain can def step up its game in this area. Let's keep pushing for those mutable metadata and royalties options! 💪

                    • Orna.Art@ornaart·May 08

                      Thanks we have ideas for secondary market and using split fee % as royalties as well. @paulburke

                      • Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·May 08

                        Agree with this! We have to think long term!🌹

                        • STTSM@sttsm·May 08


                          • jacklens@jacklens·May 08

                            good luck to day
