@rositron:i have some loose tokenomics drawn up, gotta double check them then ill post here
rositron@rositron·Apr 03

OK here's what I've got I transferred reserves & LP allocation to a dedicated wallet, getting LP set up next OG allocations are coming from my wallet if any of the numbers are futzed the difference will be made up out of my allocation

$SHID 69,420 total supply (as soon as I figure out how i'm renouncing the contract, this will be total supply forever) 42,069 reserves 9,940 LP 2,100 private OG drop 4,200 lens OG drop 11,111 creator allocation 3,996 Velodrome incentives (if we can convince them to list so we can stake $SHID) [666SHID/wk x 6 weeks]

frenly reminder i have no idea what i'm doing. leeroy jenkins 4eva