How manuals will change with augmented reality

  • We are accustomed to having printed manuals of all kinds, from recipe books, to operating and maintenance manuals for equipment, to manuals for assembling furniture in the home ourselves.

  • In the best scenario there is video content that can enhance understanding and help us with the task at hand, otherwise -> paper.

  • When we will have smart glasses for augmented reality, this content will be completely different from today.

  • They will be real virtual models that will float in mid-air in front of our eyes and can be manipulated with voice and gestures to enhance our understanding of the task at hand.

The convergence of 3rd gen web tech means not only instruction manuals like this. It also means that many of these items could be 3D printed in your own home, after having made a scan of the space or person the item is for & made to those exact measurements. #SpatialWeb

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Imagine creating 3D printable items and putting them on Lens for people to collect and earn you money for your work!