Spinnerei 2 art gallery in Berlin, Voxels virtual world!

Spinnerei and Spinnerei 2 are beautiful art galleries in the Voxels metaverse (I don't work for Voxels, just live there), on Berlin island which is very artsy just like Berlin IRL. Many virtual galleries in Voxels are an extension or rendition of the real thing somewhere IRL which is SOo great imo. Spinnerei gallery 1 www.voxels.com/parcels/3947 AND 2 www.voxels.com/parcels/3942 are an example of this, with the real gallery existing in Leipzig, Germany www.spinnerei.de/

  • Orig made for Twtr (ugh) explaining the cutoff @ around 2 min. I know, right when the music hits. Sry folks! Might revisit / repost a longer one.
