koH@0xkoh·Jan 28

I'm so irritated with the state of data-storage (infru's IPFS) across #Lens @stani.lens . It's not just @lenster.lens.lens , I can't load videos on @orbapp.lens or @lenster

Can we get the option to use areweave? I would personally sponsor creators with areweave credits just for this.

I can't watch creators like @szabo0genie.lens :/

What do you think #LensFrens ? What about you @nilesh.lens ? I can't be the only one experiencing this?

  • kryos.lens@kryos·Jan 29

    I am irritated by the fact no one can read anything I post on lens. my profile appears broken

    • norinakata@0x0089·Jan 28

      recommend weave db

      • ZELDA@0xzelda·Jan 28

        Tbh this needs to be addressed though ! I still play videos smoothly on orb . I’m using sn iOS device .

        • Sasi@sasicodes·Jan 28

          We are trying to provide better playback for videos stored in Arweave/IPFS in #Lenstube Check out @szabo0genie.lens channel here - lenstube.xyz/channel/szabo0genie.lens

          • jokr@crazymonkey·Jan 28

            pls make lenstube usable. always videos fail to load!

            • Nilesh@nilesh·Jan 28

              ya i know the video experience really sucks on all the platforms including orb, bc of obvious reasons which you have mentioned.

              But just wanted to let you know that we know it and right at the moment we are already working on improving it, so expect a great video experience on orb real soon.

              We have done it with images and on orb images now load 10x faster, and we are gonna do the same with the videos too.

              • I upload my vids to Areweave on Lenstube, and they still don't playback in Orb since the update. I actually can't watch any lenstude vid in Orb. Just doesn't play!
