Ryan Fox@ryanfox·Aug 17

Artists, Biz Dev, and web3

I listened to a great @buttrfly.lens Spaces discussion this morning on the challenges of being an artist from: @linea_platform.lens @0xtommythomas.lens @jessyjeanne.lens @cmn__.lens @mchx_.lens @datartist.lens

One theme I heard loud and clear throughout was the burden being felt by artists who felt they now have to learn how to operate a business in addition to mastering their artistry and technical skills. While I would always suggest that learning business is better than not, I thought I'd perhaps shed just a little light on why this feels the way it does right now and what we can possibly look forward to.

Art is not created in a vaccuum. It isn't made from nothing (w/rare exceptions). Canvas portraits required the invention of the blank canvas. Photographers required the invention of cameras and film. Music videos required the right combination of tools and broadcast circumstances like MTV. Artists use existing tools to create art. Similarly, web2/Instagram/TikTok/DeviantArt/etc give users tools to create.

web3 is a essentially a blank database. There's nothing here, yet. This space requires artists to come with their already-made creations, to this new place where the primary app is a marketplace and almost zero distribution tools exist. Almost everyone here is creating art using non-web3 tools and then publishing onchain. It follows, then, that the primary skills to being successful in a marketplace is one's ability to market and sell.

There are plenty of artists using Instagram and TikTok who don't know how to market themselves or their work but they know how to create with those tools. It's not hard to create a TikTok video of a beautiful painting with trending music. The app then allows the artist's fans to do most of the work for them. Fans can distribute, collaborate, interact, and spread the word all on an artist's behalf. This is missing in web3, but it's coming!

One of the core benefits to publishing onchain is that anyone can make your data valuable. This means you can leverage the entire user base to help you build. It feels difficult right now because it is! We say it all the time, but it's true: we're early. There are so few apps right now to help, but over time this will resolve itself.

So what's a burdened artist to do? I would encourage anyone who feels overwhelmed at (or turned off by) the thought of learning how to market themselves to do one of two things:

//1: Reach out and be vocal about what you need. Talk to devs, or post your thoughts openly:

"I need an app that lets me create like this..."
"I need an app that lets my fans do this...."

"Hey I see you're building an app/video game/event ticket/music album/gallery/etc, is it possible my work (and others like it) would fit in?"

Find trends like ChatGPT/Dating/Design/Messaging apps and ask devs to help incorporate them into apps which are based on your data's needs: A stable diffusion app which lets fans play with your art and a dating/friend-finding app which utilizes swiping left/right on art are both totally possible.

//2: Sit tight and watch for these apps to emerge. Be open to new tools which use your art, and be open to new tools which create new forms of art. These apps are emerging now ( @lenspostxyz.lens ) and will almost certainly continue to explode in growth. As more apps are able to use your art the easier things will become.

This may feel like one of the hardest times to sell your art onchain, but the truth is it's easier now than it was in 2018 and will likely continue to get easier and easier as more is built. Until then, keep creating and don't get discouraged by "the business"!

  • amsjhs172@amsjhs172·May 08

    being an artist is a long journey, one night success takes years, humbling to see so many creators exploring web3 to find audiences

    • I need to check this 👀

      • I need to check this 👀

        • Greates ◱ ◱@87978·Aug 25

          I need to check this 👀

          • I need to check this 👀

            • LeCoq ◱ ◱@lecoq·Aug 25

              I need to check this 👀

              • Steal ◱ ◱@0x4678·Aug 25

                I need to check this 👀

                • I need to check this 👀

                  • Gidve ◱ ◱@dainty·Aug 25

                    I need to check this 👀

                    • wow nice

                      • Maybe, artists need the contact window to shout their needs to spread to developers. The right person is artistic influencer. We need to help artists contact the right person. Is there any good solutions already?

                        • boki@ghost35438968·Aug 19
                          Family Cuteness GIF
                          • boki@ghost35438968·Aug 19

                            cool my bro

                            • banli@zhongtian22·Aug 19
                              Eyebrows GIF
                              • @uneteru·Aug 19

                                very good

                                • 01688@01688·Aug 19


                                  • LOVE8#0x09c2·Aug 19

                                    Yes,Art is not created in a vaccuum.bbabanbang(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

                                    • keep being a creator

                                      • Tag your favorite Lens Apps and platform integrations.

                                        • Steal ◱ ◱@0x4678·Aug 18

                                          eing an artist is a long journey, one night success takes years, humbling to see so many creators exploring web3 to find audiences

                                          • We are early, but the progress in one year shows the pace we can build at

                                            • being an artist is a long journey, one night success takes years, humbling to see so many creators exploring web3 to find audiences

                                              • Hello! As promised

                                                • Hello! As promised:

                                                  • this is so cool nicely done

                                                    • Give the guys a follow as we are cooking something

                                                      • Hamed-Haji@mamadk·Aug 18


                                                        • 币圈趣事@coinfun·Aug 18

                                                          Artists, Biz Dev, and web3

                                                          • mchx@mchx_·Aug 18
                                                            Comment by @mchx_
                                                            • I need to check this 👀

                                                              • @0xluck·Aug 18


                                                                • Carla Monni@cmn__·Aug 18

                                                                  Ryan ! First of all thank you so much for being there again. Second I am so grateful for your perspective of the discussed topics and I think you are right in everything. I might add the variable of Virality that nowadays artists (and businesses in general) have to take into account. I think that it needs to be studied while creating a strategy .
                                                                  And yes we are so lucky to be so early and being able to connect directly with all our beloved developers but because many artists (in this case) don't have a real strategy as you were mentioning they also don't know what to ask.
                                                                  I Really wish you will start a podcast at some point. I am fascinated by how your mind works=)

                                                                  • PsyBoy ◱ ◱@psyboy·Aug 18


                                                                    • @0xdollar·Aug 18
                                                                      Keanu Reeves Reaction GIF
                                                                      • I think it’s a mistake that business is always viewed separately from creating art. My conservatory definitely had a negative/apathetic view of business and I think the larger classical music world does, too. I’ve always found that there’s a beautiful art to business. It’s fun to experiment with different marketing techniques, fan involvement, etc. While the word “business” feels dry, there’s more creativity involved than I think artists realize. Wonderful advice, as always!

                                                                        • Ryan, you've got a knack for making things sound so... simple. It's like telling someone lost in a forest to just "find a path".

                                                                          So, for artists feeling the weight of the web3 world, your advice is to... shout into the void or just sit and wait? Let's break this down:

                                                                          1: "Reach out and be vocal about what you need."
                                                                          Sure, because developers are just sitting around waiting for artists to tell them what apps to build. And while we're at it, why not ask for an app that turns sketches into gold? Or one that makes every artwork go viral?

                                                                          "I need an app that lets me create like this..." - And I need an app that makes my morning coffee.

                                                                          Now, I know I'm being a bit cynical, but what I'm trying to say is that it's not because of a lack of tooling. Many masterpieces was created because of limitations, not in spite of them. It's about how to market the end result.

                                                                          2: "Sit tight and watch for these apps to emerge."

                                                                          Here's the thing: no app, no platform, no tool is going to replace the need for artists to market themselves, especially in web3. I've seen 'art' sell for crazy amounts, not because of its quality, but because of the hype. Yes, art might be subjective, but marketing? That's the real game-changer. Your examples of TikTok & Instagram are proof of that. It's not just the technology that makes an artist go viral and monetize. It's a mix of strategy, endurance, good content, and a sprinkle of luck. Otherwise everybody would go viral on Instagram or TikTok.

                                                                          Here is a better approach:

                                                                          //1: Engage & Collaborate:
                                                                          Dive into communities. Collaborate with other artists and enthusiasts. Share your knowledge and learn from theirs. Sometimes, the best opportunities come from unexpected partnerships.

                                                                          //2: Educate Yourself:
                                                                          While waiting for that magical app, why not pick up some marketing basics? A little knowledge can go a long way in showcasing your art.

                                                                          //3: Remember Your Worth:
                                                                          The most important one! It's easy to get lost in the noise. But remember, your art has value. Don't undersell yourself or your creations.

                                                                          • Ernst Zrs@aryoo·Aug 17

                                                                            You're the best

                                                                            • MazeMari@mazemari·Aug 17

                                                                              Ryan thanks for breaking this down, #MariBookmark ! i missed this space, but it was very useful to read your summary!
