Important to keep in mind when feeling euphoric about Lens: EVERY new social network starts out feeling great and rapid growth is the norm. These aspects are not attributable to being “web3” or “desoc.”
Everyone’s happy, everything is new. A group of people have self-selected into a group of explorers. These are people who need to get along long enough for the network to gain network effects and survive. They are by definition “early” and thus starving for content to consume. Anyone creating half-decent content will experience rapid growth vs established social networks. “I have more followers here than on Twitter!” Yeah, you’ve gone from swimming in an ocean to a kiddy pool 🙄 this is not shocking or new.
Many here on Lens are blown away by the attention they’re receiving and mistakenly attributing that to the web3 characteristics. We haven’t even -begun- to use the web3 nature of this network. You’re experiencing new network vibes. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Build your new audience. I’m happy for you.
Now that I have your attention and you have mine let’s build a moat around Lens which keeps us unique. Let’s build apps which use Collects as data. No one else is doing it and it’s native to the protocol. This should be really, really easy to get going.