Ruthless@ruthless·Apr 07

Do you really own your content when you can’t delete it or restrict access to it?

In traditional social media the big companies own your data.

With Lens the public owns your data as soon as you publish it, which is truly amazing and opens up a lot of opportunities for builders and researchers.

However when everyone can access your data, even your „deleted“ posts and comments, do you really own it then?

  • I agree.

    • haitianyx@hbhai·Apr 08

      do you mean being transparent/onchain is not always good thing?

      • Stani@stani·Apr 08

        Really good point and this is what next generation Lens would solve. Your data is yours to control.

        • vicnaum@vicnaum·Apr 07

          This reminds me of the saying:
          “Once the genie is out of the bottle, it cannot be put back.”

          If you own a secret in your notepad, once it’s out - it’s out. Now the people who saw it will share the ownership of the secret knowledge (unless you remove all witnesses lol).

          • Brown@mrbrown·Apr 07

            do you mean being transparent/onchain is not always good thing?

            • damn, i didn’t know people could access deleted posts. i wonder if there is a solution. 👀

              • Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·Apr 07

                Hmm... I've never actually thought about this, but I agree. What do you think can be done to solve this, considering that the posts live on-chain?🌹

                • Exoteric@exoteric·Apr 07

                  I talk so much that the public doesn’t want my stuff.

                  • weewong@gametor·Apr 07

                    Good morning, nice to meet you sir~

                    • AlicΞ@punkess·Apr 07

                      agree. There is a todo.

                      • Thats great
