Aditya@itsaditya·Mar 29

Any Lens client that has micro-tipping?

And what is this collect thing for?

  • Paul Burke@paulburke·Mar 29

    Micro tipping still doesn’t make much sense on Polygon POS since transactions can cost up to $0.02 each. I suspect we won’t really see something like it until Lens moved to more scalable architecture.

    When you enable collecting a post it allows the post to be minted as a Polygon NFT. This is a standard ERC-721 and you can control the metadata separately from the post (so OpenSea listing can be different than the post itself).

    The Lens team recommends disabling collects on posts by defaults, but some clients, like @orbapp.lens don’t give that option (yet?). So right now it’s a little confusing because there are lots of normal posts made collectible, which really shouldn’t be.

    Collects already have robust options, like splitting revenue, limiting editions and time to mint, and being used to token-gate a post.
