@mathmakesart·Oct 04

hello world!

as my genesis post, i am sharing one of my favorite creations. this generative art comes from a system of rules which I have been exploring since mid-2021.

there are 23 underlying "atom" shapes, with each cell containing a pair of atoms, and 136 different ways to pair these atoms together. these rules form continuous paths on a 2D square grid of any size, with a given NxM grid always yielding exactly (N + M) independent paths.

the image is generated using a deterministic random bit generator (DRBG) process, based on the Fowler–Noll–Vo (FNV) non-cryptographic hash function. 3 bits of pseudorandom input are used per grid cell, with this being the minimum sufficient volume of data necessary to encode for every possible permutation of path geometry.

this artwork was published in Processing Foundation's 20th Anniversary Community Catalog, which showcases creations from the user community of the Processing language and p5js library.

Genesis post - mathmakesart.lens