Bob Peace@bobpeace·Feb 17

What This World (Full Video)

Last video for a while - i'm posting too much and i'm way too ugly for y'all to have to keep seeing this mean mug on @lenstube.lens 🤪 this is an interesting track - written summer 2018 in cardiff by the sea, california, walking on the beach at night with my two dogs, guitar strap over my back, i came up with that first lyric "I called you up last night, you didn't answer, though i knew somebody was home" 💜 🎧 somehow, it morphed into this sort of poem about not being able to go back and redo the past but i just have to relax and let it be. so much hardship in the past i feel like biggie in the ten crack commandments... "it made me an animal" so i can't turn back time, i'll just relax and unwind... i don't even know my name... i won't dare explain, what this world has done to me... @mixtape.lens #music #lens #lenster 3 avail 25 wmatic a pop at 75% mirror #lfpeace