Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts

  • @666666666777777·Mar 18

    This quote is a reminder that failure isn't a reflection of one's abilities or potential, and it's crucial to learn from mistakes and keep moving forward.

    • The phrase "success is not final" suggests that even when one achieves their goals, they need to continue practicing the behaviors that got them there to maintain their success.

      • Maxim Hopov@mourinho·Mar 18

        The words "courage to continue" reinforce the idea that success is not always easy to come by and requires a certain level of resilience to keep pushing forward.

        • xuxiangeng@sdyfg·Mar 18

          It's inspiring to see that success is not the endpoint and that failure is not the end. Instead, it emphasizes that success is a journey of hard work and dedication, and the key to achieving it is to keep going despite obstacles.

          • goodman@keislo1212·Mar 18

            This quote highlights the importance of perseverance and courage in achieving success, as it requires ongoing effort and determination to overcome setbacks and failures.
