Crypto_loui@elbicho·Mar 22

Since Lens does not have polls feature for the moment, let's set up a contest for the $ARB Airdrop!

Arbitrum's airdrop is coming tomorrow, so let's share our strategies.

To everyone that mirrors and follows this lens acc as well as @philipundio , 0.2WMATIC will be distributed.

The prize of this contest will be 20 MATIC since the Mainnet launch of @lensgardennft is tomorrow and the mint price is set to 20 MATIC. I will pay it for the winner.

How to participate?

Comment in this post your strategy regarding $ARB airdrop tomorrow, and the winning one after 1 week will get the prize. Comments will be accepted till March 23rd 12:30 UTC time. I will take $ARB price on March 30th 12:30 UTC time and check which strategy was the most rewarding one.

Good luck everyone!

Post by @elbicho.lens