Let’s keep phavering! Had a blast last night at Camp x @phaver creator and KOL meetup with some frens @bbbbammee @45999 @jadynviolet @alexhirsu @earthdefire

  • @caliphabu·20d

    $SOCIAL Summer 👑💜🦄🏝️

    • NalanOktay@nalan·20d

      Let’s Keep Phavering 💜😊🔥🔥🔥

      • DARiUX@dariux·20d

        Hi @chriscomrie, have you seen our Conv with Ali & Saska about the Creator Roll issue? How is this roll determin actually? Is it about promoting frens&family with L2/L3/L4 with no really creating and with 20-30 posts, with few to little nft's holdings or is it real decentralized social net, where there are cartain requirements one needs to be qulified so he/she can "earn" their Creator Roll. All defined by automatic rules as Smart contract! 0 / 1. Long story short - something here is NOT right at all and unfair ! Iv invested in Phaver allot of money and I'm a REAL creator supporting PHAVER (and not only posting copied google images and write 'GM Frens' with empty meanning)... Me and some others that have worked conssitancy to elevate our LvL's in appropriate manners. We should have got this roll quite while ago. If PHAVER is a 'Hommy' network for frens and frens of frens than You"ll see quality users like me out of this game. TGE and bye bye. If that's the spirit , no problem. I thought actually that I'll be here for the long term. Hope I made good investment ( also with buying in seed through SB ). And BTW, those Phaver up nfts I bought and didn't recieve or minted. Hope you understand my point of view and vision here. Tnx for reading 🙏🏻 @joonatan @saskasandholm @dollowen

        • LKP!! 💜🦄

          • This is Beautiful 😍

            • AweezY@aweezy·20d

              Wooo🥰oooW 💪🏾💯🔥
