LAALAA@laalaa·Apr 12

You are in a cave There are 2 gates in this cave. One gate is on the left and the other on the right.

There is treasure behind one of the gates. Between these two gates sits a man who knows where this treasure is.

You can only ask this man one question to get the treasure.

The problem is that one day the man is lying and the other day he is telling the truth. Always alternating...

But you don't know which day of the two is today....

What question do you ask the man to get the treasure?


My Hero Academia Writing GIF by Funimation
  • LAALAA@laalaa·Apr 12

    That's the correct answer

    @0xable.lens congratulation 6 $matic are on the way to u 👍

    • Karma ◱ ◱@karmaa·Apr 12

      I remember this question. It was 2 guards there instead of only 1 like here. I think the solution should be something like this "Which gate would the other version of yourself tell me leads to the treasure?". In this case, no matter what he answers he will always point towards the door with treasure.

      • zkJΞw🦇🔊@zkjew·Apr 12

        Is the treasure on the left when you tell the truth?

        • LAALAA@laalaa·Apr 12

          6 $matic to the first right answer 💵👀😁

          Share with frens guys ❤️ 

          • LAALAA@laalaa·Apr 12

            First hint:

            U should ask the question so, that the answer only could be "left" or "right"

            • LAALAA@laalaa·Apr 12

              later there will be a hint

              • LAALAA@laalaa·Apr 12

                @gotenks.lens @stani.lens what do u think ? =)
