dankshard@dankshard·Mar 01

A perfect narrative will come for L2s soon. Ethereum main chain gas will be too expensive for ordinary users soon, EIP-4844 is coming, and L2 fees will be reduced. Everything is perfect for a good old $OP pump.

  • Moose ◱ ◱@tomoose·Mar 02

    Already getting priced out of using L2s

    I think L1s going to outperform again

    • love ◱ ◱@yylove·Mar 02

      It's indeed getting more expensive

      • gavin@10084·Mar 02

        Still expensive I think.

        • AlicΞ@punkess·Mar 01

          L2 gas fees are ridiculous as well rn (except zksync). I guess everyone is “farming” zksync bc it’s the only l2 with somewhat reasonable transaction costs lately.

          • Whats your price target for $OP?

            • Stani@stani·Mar 01

              I do also think that L2s will become costly again, and the path forward would be ZK
