The lack of a like button on Orb has kept users away….

  • Stani@stani·20d

    Need likes or some other way to give soft signals

    • No "like" = people will react more meaningfully. It might take some time to get used to, but we’re on the right track.

      Join old conversation about it.

      • Wdym?

        • True, they want to force the users to do they want

          • Andrija@andrija·21d

            Isn’t it better to express your opinion with a reaction? You might not like something but can still react to it. You can express yourself as much as stickers allow you, and the best part is that you should soon be able to use your own sticker packs.

            I think the Orb team should offer a welcome sticker pack for everyone that includes a like sticker. From there, people could choose to buy more if they want or stick with the included like reaction just like they would in any other Lens client app.

            • Yes I miss the like.
