Mia@oxboy·May 22

really frustrated, for delayed transactions, and not being able to comment or mirror. also paying for every transaction before it goes through.

this is fvcked up and really frustrating.

please @blackjoker.lens @pinkset.lens @0xzelda.lens @lensprotocol @lensgardennft.lens @stani.lens @gotenks.lens @christina.lens how do i overcome this.? because i can't even use other lens applications. I'm super frustrated. and i need help

#lens #stani #lensgardennft

  • Star Lord @lootbox·May 22

    Same with me, I tried to contact the team but no luck : 0

    • huugo@huugo·May 22

      @wagmi @stani could we get a brief explainer as to why this seems to be happening to certain people? Something specifically to do with Momoka.. or is this the dispatcher not having people on the curated list?
