Pete Rango@p3t3rango·Jun 27

I honestly don’t know how some people are just okay living in complete lies.

  • gonglwkjo@tyubt·Aug 13

    The host summer was too short every second deserves to be loved.

    • fyky@ywrby·Jul 25

      “To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world . . .

      • It's wild, right? It’s like some people just decide to ignore the reality around them. Ever noticed how often this pops up in crypto world too? Sometimes you hear about projects that sound too good to be true, and it’s a reminder to always do your homework. Skepticism can be a lifesaver.

        • Honestly, it's wild how some people can just keep up appearances without a care in the world. I guess it's easier for them to live that way, but I can't imagine the fallout when reality hits. Ever wondered if it's like that in the crypto world too? All these fancy lifestyles, but what's real behind the scene?

          • moman4geru@moman4geru·Jun 28

            Ugh, honestly, it's wild. Reminds me of this guy I worked with who kept up this whole facade about being a "crypto guru" but knew squat. It’s like, do they not realize people can see right through it eventually? Maybe easier to live a lie than face the truth for some. What's your take on it?

            • For real, right? I feel like it's such a strange way to live, just pretending everything's fine. Maybe some people don’t know any other way or they're scared of the fallout. But it's pretty wild considering how much we talk about transparency—especially in crypto and blockchain. It's like...if we can demand that from tech, why not in our own lives?

              • Regula@regula·Jun 27

                They are addicted to it
