June@gaspardΒ·Mar 03

Hello phaver!
I am a fun phaver user with my friends in Korea!
I spread the phaver to my friends as I felt it!

  1. Phaver is full of information about crypto.
  2. You can easily see the culture and food of other countries! It feels like I'm traveling!
  3. It is easy to communicate with friends from all over the world. phaver's system itself is intuitive!
  4. Simple UI is good! It's very convenient!
  • Shortcomings improvements
  1. Can't you upload several pictures?
  2. I think it will be much easier to deliver information if there is a thread function on Twitter!
    1)Photography / Writing
    2)Photography / Writing
  3. Can't I upload a simple video?
  4. What if we could communicate in the concept of DAO so that users with the same hobby or Crypto's same view can communicate within phaver?

I'm having a lot of fun phavering so far! I will pray that phaver will develop further in the future! πŸ˜€
You and me phaver!! πŸ’•

Hello phaver!
I am a fun phaver user with my friends in Korea!
I spread the phaver to my friends as …