Ricky@rickydata·Mar 21

Looking at the app I made to compare the engagement a Lens user gets on Lens vs. twitter you can barely even see the blue bars representing twitter for my profile nowadays 😅 I still have more twitter followers, but I barely post on it these days in favor of Lens. For anyone who wanted to check theirs this is the link to that dashboard which I've linked to in a past post: predictcrypto.shinyapps.io/lens_engagement/

I'm going to need a landing page for some of these tools soon enough. Stani had a great idea to forecast collect revenue, will try to take a look at that next weekend. Could be interesting to forecast separately for both creators as well as collectors. Will also be looking at doing some analysis around bot activity in the near future. Any other things people would be interested in?

Post by @rickydata.lens