Lens@lens·Oct 27

Lens Devs demand building 🛠 on the cutting edge! Lens has deployed on Scroll Pre-Alpha Testnet to give devs a lead in building scalable Web3 Social Apps!

  • Konrad@kopykat·Oct 27

    That’s quite cool but isn’t the point of lens to have only ONE social graph that you can use in a variety of apps. Is the long term strat here to have the same contracts and state replicated and kept in sync across chains or do you want to fragment the graph across different networks?

    • AlicΞ@punkess·Oct 27

      awesome 🎇wen #StarkNet✨😉
      I guess the API will be most convenient way to consume the aggregated data (from all the different future deployments).

      • that’s awesome. you’ve also commited on deploying on polygon zkevm testnet, right?

        makes me wonder what the lens multichain strategy is in general: can i bridge my handle & social graph somehow in the future? or are all the interactions happening & handles claimed planned to be “ecosystem exclusive”?
